Rabu, 22 Januari 2014


Turunkan dari tahtamu kekuatan yang besar
Limpahkan dari kuasamu kebahagiaan besar
Kami perlu kesejaht’raan
Dan perlu keadilan

Janganlah tutup telinga wahai para penguasa
Dikaulah wakil dari kami, para rakyat semua
Kami perlu kemakmuran
Tak perlu kemiskinan

O para penguasa di kantor pem’rintah
Dengarkan suara kami
O orang berdasi, pelaku korupsi
Jangan rampas hak kami

Kami rakyat kecil, mungkin tak berarti
Tapi kami anak neg’ri
Pedulikan kami dan negara ini
Pedulikan bangsa ini 

Dedicated for tugas seni musik - membuat lagu :)


Babul Zanah, Meli Rizki, Meiriza Mega, Airin Levina, Efinna Amanda, Luh Putu Nova

 Icha Widya, I Made Bagus, Danang Aprias, Nindy Nidya, Vira Rezita, Hamdan, Agatha Treasurey

Ajeng Mayangsari, Ayang Putra P, Yuniar Faraizka, Yuentitha Rachmi, Moh. Iqbal M, Queen Islam

Bagus Pangestu, Agus Prasetyo, Galang Perdana, Sandra Ariesta, Dinar Laila, Kusumaning Arumsari, Marifatul Ulum

Adam Raka S, Della Ayu, Bima Fathurrachmi, Fadrotul Aini, R. Putri Wulandari, Dwi Ratna S

NAFO - 17 Januari 2014


                I give thanks to the Lord about all that He has done in my life. He always beside me and protect me. Every day, every step, every time, He always do the best for me and off course for you and for this earth too. I have gotten so many things and I have done everything in 2013. There was sick, there was glory, there was happy or there was sad, that was happening in 2013. Many bad things and many good things that had happened, but let the bad things deleted and let the good things memorized. Let we come in 2014 with the new spirit and smile. First, I will say:
                Second, I want to review what I have done in 2013. Let it be a little history about myself, haha :D
Let me tell you now, why I use English in this text because I want to study English more. Hohoho. But, later, if I don’t how to tell it in English, I will say in Indonesia ya… haha J
                Ok, start to review my life in 2013…
                In JANUARY 2013, I was like this. I reviewed of 2012. In the new year eve, same, I was at church, I was praying, I was singing, etc. And, what I remembered, after from church, I arrived at home at 01.00 and then I watched movie, “Missing You”, Korean drama, until 06.00 am, I didn’t sleep. And when I want to sleep, my mother called me, she said that I must prepare myself to go to Mirah Fantasia. OMG, I’m so tired at that time. I went to there from morning until evening. Can you imagine that? How sleepy am I? Haha.. It was my experience lah…
                In FEBRUARY 2013, o ya.. I remembered that in first semester in 2013, I was at XI IPA 4 grade. In this time, I was studied very hard for prepare myself to OSN.  I forgot about OSIS, about other lesson except Chemistry. I was very focus to chemistry in that time, because chemistry was the lesson that I choose in OSN. In 14th, there was a Valentine Day. In that day, to many couple celebrated it. But I am a single, I am not couple, so I didn’t celebrate it. Hahaha…
                In MARCH 2013, this is the month of my birthday. And in this time, I celebrated my sweet 17th. J In 21st, I celebrated that with my friends. For my band team, I celebrated it with play band in a studio. It was very nice moment. In this month, there were to many holiday and free day because my senior in grade XII prepared themselves for national examination. And the holiday and free day, I used it for study OSN lesson with other students who joined OSN.
                In APRIL 2013, this was the war. OSN started, chemistry took the first day. That was my time. Hoho. O God help me, I know that You have a nice plan for myself. Just it, that I said in my mouth and my heart. I could do it, and I got the medals. My school was the runner-up, got 7 medals. I was very surprised, but thanks about this all God. :)
                In MAY 2013, this was a full busy month. I prepared myself to go to OSN in Province. I and 6 my friends, who got the medals in OSN Kabupaten, went to Jakarta, to Bogor to join to the National OSN Training. Wooo, it was amazing experience. We were joining it beside our specific lesson. In the special class that contain 20 student. It was really good. We included a smart person. We were in the same place with special people who won OSN Kabupaten too. Hoho. I was really studying hard, I really win in OSN in Province, so I could meet them again in OSN in National. And that I remembered, in this month, maybe I was absent for 2 weeks because it. J And that time, when I was in Bogor, my school kedatangan alumni and alumni gave money to me and others that won OSN Kabupaten. Hoho, thanks God. :D
                In JUNE 2013, OSN Province held. Again, chemistry was in first day. OSN Province was in Batu, Malang. So, I went there with all of “Perwakilan Banyuwangi” by Dinas Pendidikan’s Car. And in that time, I and my friends that won OSN Kabupaten were waiting for the money as our prize. Hahaha J Not just it, in this month, I did my semester exam too, it was really hard for me, because I really didn’t know about other lesson except chemistry. I left mathematic, I left physic, I left biology, I left history, etc. So, I didn’t do my semester exam well. After semester exam, I got my raport. Thanks to the God, I got 2nd again. Then, at 23rd, my angkatan went study tour to Bandung and Jogjakarta for a week. Again, this was a nice experience.
                In JULY 2013, I was not at XI grade again. I am XII grade now. I am placed in XII IPA 1 class. Thanks God, I am at XII IPA 1 now. And this month was Ramadhan month, so all of my Moslem friends was puasa. In July too, there were many invitations for Buka Bersama. In this month, lesson didn’t do effective.
                In AUGUST 2013, there was holiday because Lebaran. I went to Red Island, it was so nice, the scenery so good. And in this month, I heard the announcement of OSN Province. I was not going to national. But I get 10th in Province. It’s okay lah, thanks God. J
                In SEPTEMBER 2013,  heboh-hebohnya mulai bimbingan belajar di pagi hari.
                In OCTOBER 2013, starting to bimbingan pagi, semangat.. Wake up at 4 am and going to school until 1 pm. O it is very hard at the first. But, it’s okay. That’s all for us, for prepare national examination.
                In NOVEMBER 2013, the first Try Out and I got 95 for chemistry, 50 for mathematic, 67 for Biology, 80 for Indonesian, 70 for English and 47 for Physic. OMG, it’s hard for me.
                In DECEMBER 2013, I prepared for Christmas. I did my semester exam. And I got my raport for 5th semester. It was bad, because I decreased my rank. I got 3rd, not 2nd like the 4th semester. But,I wanna still give thanks to the God about it.
                Ya, all of that, which I did in 2013. It just a simple story. I wanna share it in my blog. I wanna better in 2014, let the good things in 2013 be memorized and let the bad things be deleted. I give thanks to the God, Thank You God because all of Your Love. Thanks for 2013 that I have done and let You lead me in 2014. Thanks. HAPPY NEW YEAR, GOD BLESS


Aku, kamu, dia,
Mereka dan kita
Seluruh dunia ini
Bersalah semua
Dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa dosa
Jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat jahat
Namun kasih kasih kasih kasih kasih kasih kasih kasih kasih kasih kasih-Nya
Seluruh manusia
yang dipilih-Nya
Gloria, haleluya
Gloria, haleluya

Puisi tersebut merupakan puisi kontemporer, yang berisi tentang pernyataan kasih Allah Bapa bagi manusia, menebus manusia yang berdosa ini, menyelamatkan manusia yang berdosa ini dari hukuman kekal, sehingga manusia yang percaya pada-Nya tidak binasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal, dengan cara adanya karya penyaliban Kristus Yesus.

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014


                Tahun-tahun terus berlalu... Begitu pula tahun 2013 telah berlalu, dan kita memasuki tahun 2014 saat ini. Coba pikirkan kembali, apa saja yang telah kita lalui di tahun 2013 kemarin, mulai awal tahun, pertengahan tahun, hingga akhir tahun. 365 hari lamanya di 2013 telah berlalu begitu saja, jika saja di akhir tahun ada timbangan dosa, mungkin dosa kita lebih dari beratus-ratus kilo beratnya. Kita patut bersyukur, kalau kita masih diberi kesempatan hidup di tahun yang baru ini, lantas apa yang harus kita lakukan di tahun yang baru ini???
Memulai hidup yang baru
Dalam 2 Korintus 5:17 dikatakan bahwa: “Jadi siapa yang ada di dalam Kristus, ia adalah ciptaan yang baru: yang lama sudah berlalu, sesungguhnya yang baru sudah datang.”
Di tahun 2013, kita telah melakukan banyak dosa baik secara sadar maupun tidak sadar. Akuilah dosa-dosa tersebut, ingat bahwa Tuhan adalah setia dan adil, Ia akan menyertai orang-orang milik-Nya dimanapun mereka berada dan akan mengampuni setiap orang yang mengaku bersalah.
Di tahun 2014, mari kita lebih hati-hati, jangan sampai kita terjerumus lagi dalam kedagingan dan hawa nafsu kita. Biarlah tahun 2013 berlalu dengan segala kenangannya, biarlah dosa tersebut berlalu pula. Tahun 2014 datang dengan segala harapan. Isilah tahun 2014 dengan hal-hal yang berkenan dan memuliakan nama Tuhan, diantaranya:
-          Mulai hidup kudus
Perlahan-lahan, mari kita buang kebiasaan yang buruk yang menimbulkan dosa tersebut. Mulai dengan menciptakan kebiasaan baik yang akan menggeser kebiasaan buruk tersebut.
-          Rutin saat teduh dan baca Alkitab
Bagi kalian-kalian yang saat teduhnya masih bolong-bolong, belajarlah untuk menyediakan waktu khusus untuk saat teduh, mungkin pagi hari setelah bangun pagi atau malam sebelum tidur malam. Memang awalnya sulit, namun lama-kelamaan pasti bisa, ingat bahwa Roh Kudus akan bekerja dalam diri masing-masing pribadi.
-          Belajar untuk memberitakan Injil
Amanat agung dari Tuhan Yesus adalah bahwa kita harus memberitakan Injil sampai ke ujung dunia (Mat 28:19). Memberitakan Injil merupakan suatu hal yang sangat sulit untuk kita lakukan, namun apabila kita mau, kita niat, kita meminta pertolongan Tuhan, Tuhan pasti akan menolong kita untuk memberitakan Injil tersebut. Ingat pula, bahwa kita hanya sebagai pemberita saja, entah orang yang menerima pemberitaan kita itu percaya atau tidak, itu adalah murni dari pekerjaan Roh Kudus.
Hal diatas merupakan sedikit cara untuk mengisi kehidupan baru di tahun 2014. Kita tak pernah tau, kapan Hari Tuhan akan datang, maka kita wajib berjaga-jaga di setiap saat. Mari kita isi 2014 ini dengan berjaga-jaga dan mempersiapkan diri kita masing-masing. Jangan lagi berbuat dosa, mari kita mulai hidup baru di dalam Tuhan. Amin. Tuhan Memberkati. (by: AiLing)